Friday, July 4, 2014

Four eggs

I feel like someone is messing with me.  I went to see if Mrs J was at home, and she wasn't, so I stuck my camera in the nest and...

Just like the last nest, there's one unspeckled egg!


  1. Wow, you really have a crazy nest here!
    The speckled one in the upper left corner *might* be a junco egg, but from this pic I can't rule out cowbird. The other two speckled ones look like cowbird eggs to me (larger, rounder, and with darker and more "sloppy" speckling than a junco egg). The unspeckled one... I'd have said robin, but a robin's egg should be MUCH bigger than either a junco or a cowbird egg (~30 mm long vs. ~20 mm long), plus the color seems a off. It looks like a bluebird egg, actually, but that doesn't make any sense - they're cavity nesters. So I'm stumped!

    You could try emailing this person, who offers to ID eggs: (I have no connection with them and don't know them - they just came up in a google search.)

    I wish the juncos would just incubate and raise everybody so we could find out what they are... :-)

  2. I think Mrs Junco is well on the case, she's been sitting on the nest regularly since yesterday. So hopefully we'll see soon! Thanks again for your thoughts!
